Learning to let go is a lifetime study. We will always have situations arise that challenge and strengthen our ability to enjoy life NOW and let go of the outcome of our desires.
Letting go is an act of self love. If you really love something, enjoy it in the present moment and let go of the outcome. Say to yourself "I love that I don't have to worry about 'it' because it is all happening the way it needs to. Yay!!" See what happens when you can say that and believe it.
I am having fun with the journey to fulfill my desires because I realized that FUN is like a spiritual barometer of sorts. Think about it....FUN. What happens when you have FUN? You are living the lesson of letting go.
So, with a creative project such as my webseries, the only way to have what I want in life, is to have fun with it NOW. Yes, there are desires and goals with my webseries, but putting my attention and concern and worry on if it will happen, when it will happen, how it will happen, only BLOCKS and SLOWS the fulfillment of those goals and desires. Who wants that?
So, until my next episode is released, here is a little gem I hope you enjoy as much as I do. (hint: inspiration for next episode).